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27th Nov - UM Law proudly inaugurated the highly anticipated Student Exchange Programme 2023, welcoming 105 enthusiastic students from Universitas Tarumanagara, Indonesia,  Universitas Pancasila, Indonesia, Universitas Mahasaraswati, Indonesia, Kyushu University, Japan and Southwest University of Political Science & Law, China. Spearheaded by the Asian Law Students' Association Universiti Malaya (ALSA), this event serves as a beacon of cultural amalgamation and academic enrichment.

ALSA's dedication to fostering global connections and cross-cultural understanding was palpable as students gathered to embark on a transformative journey. The program, spanning several days, aims to transcend boundaries by emphasizing not just legal education but also the celebration of diversity and the sharing of unique cultural perspectives.

Through workshops, discussions, and collaborative activities, these students are poised to build lasting friendships, broaden their worldview, and forge bonds that transcend geographical distances. Universiti Malaya embraces this opportunity to facilitate an environment conducive to cross-cultural learning and hopes that the exchange will be a stepping stone towards a more interconnected global community.
