YA Professor Dr. Choong Yeow Choy
Expertise: Administration of Civil Justice System, International Commercial Arbritation, Transnational Civil Litigation, Pertnership Law, Civil Procedure, Company Law, Commercial Dispute Resolution
Tunku Abdul Rahman's Chair Holder
Datuk Emeritus Professor Dr. Hj Shad Saleem Faruqi
+603 7967 6586
Expertise: Legal Philosophy, Constitutional Law, Human Rights, Administrative Law, Media Law, Jurisprudence, University Education
Professor Datin Dr. Mary George
+603 7967 6558
Expertise: Public and Private International Law, such as the Law of the Sea, Terrorism, Marine Environment, Space Law, Public and Commercial Aspects of Air Law, and International Organisations
Honorary Professor
Dr. Tie Fatt Hee
Expertise: Commercial Law (International Trade Law), Commercial Law (Law and Economics), Education Law and Corporations and Associations Law (Company Law)
Professor Dr. Azrini Wahidin
Expertise: Penal policy, Youth Justice, Female ex-combatants, Violence against women, Women in the criminal justice system, Criminalisation of Migrants, Managing the needs of elders in prison, Research methodologies and research ethics
Dato' Dr. Fauziah Mohd Taib
Expertise: Diplomacy, Multilateral Negotiations, Security and Disarmament, International Criminal Law, International Human Rights, International Humanitarian Law
Philip Koh Tong Ngee
Expertise: Contract Law, Constitutional Law, Capital Markets, Public Law, Company Law, Regulatory and Humanities
Associate Prof. Dr. Jal Zabdi Mohd Yusoff
+603 7967 6559
Expertise: Child Law, Family Law, and Elderly Law
Associate Prof. Dr. Mohammad Ershadul Karim
+603 7967 6557
Expertise: Legal Research Methodology, Information and Communication Technologies Law, Privacy and Personal Data Protection Law, Energy Law, and Nanotechnology Law and Policy
Associate Prof. Dr. Nadhratul Wardah Salman
+603 7967 6578
Expertise: Sports Law, Law of Torts, Human Rights, Sports Policy and Legal Education
Associate Prof. Dr. Sharon Kaur Gurmukh Singh
+603 7967 6554
Expertise: Medical Law, Medical Ethics, and Bioethics
Associate Prof. Dr. Sujata Balan
+603 7967 6544
Expertise: Civil Procedure, Civil Procedure, Corporations And Associations Law, Law of Limitation (Professional Practice, Civil Procedure, Company Law)
Associate Prof. Zuraida Rastam Shahrom
+603 7967 6427
Expertise: Company Law, Human Rights Law, Public International Law, Securities Law (administrative actions), Law Of Treaties And Treaty Interpretation
Associate Prof. Dr. Saw Tiong Guan
+603 7967 6532
Expertise: Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Media Law
Prof. Madya Datin Sri Norbani Mohamed Nazeri
Expertise: Criminal Law, Law of Evidence, Juvenile Justice, Clinical Legal Education
Dato' Dr. Johan Shamsuddin Sabaruddin
+603 7967 6551
Expertise: Constitutional Law, Malaysian Legal System, Law and Society, Legal Education / Clinical Legal Education, Terrorism and The Rule of Law
Dr. Ramy Bulan
+603 7967 6538
Expertise: Equity and Trust, Restorative Justice, Legal Pluralism and Customary Laws, Malaysian Legal System, Jurisprudence, Native Customary Rights and Native Title, International Human Rights Law and Indigenous Peoples
Dr. Abdul Samad Abdul Ghani
+603 7967 6577
Expertise: Cyber Law, Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law and Governance, Research Methodology, Privacy, Defamation and Free Speech, Law and Governance, and Drug Rehabilitation
Ahmad Saufi Abdul Rahman
+603 7967 6535
Expertise: Law of Association, Consumer Credit, and Commercial Law
Dr. Ainee Adam
+603 7967 6509
Expertise: International Intellectual Property Rights, Legal History in Intellectual Property Rights
Chuah Su Cheen
+603 7967 6530
Expertise: Corporate Governance and International Commercial Transactions Law
Dr. Faizah Nazri Abd Rahman
+603 7967 6548
Expertise: Law of Tort, Maritime Law, Admiralty Law, and Carriage of Goods by Sea
Dr. Farah Nini Dusuki
+603 7967 6540
Expertise: Child Law, Legal Method, Criminal Justice
Dr. Haezreena Begum
+603 7967 6562
Expertise: Human Trafficking, Criminology, Victimology, Gender, Incarceration, Terrorism, Human Rights, and Criminal Justice
Dr. Izura Masdina Mohamed Zakri
+603 7967 6502
Expertise: The Law of Contract and Cyberlaw
Dr. Kuek Chee Ying
+603 7967 6534
Expertise: Medical Law and Ethics, Probate and Administration, Comparative Family Law, Law and Religion
Dr Loganathan Krishnan
Expertise: Corporate Law
Dr. Maryam Khalid
+603 7967 2180
Expertise: Fintech regulation, Commercial Law, Legal and Regulatory Development
Dr. Mohammad Firdaus Abdul Aziz
+603 7967 6536
Expertise: Bioethics, Biosafety Law, Medical Law and Ethics, Emerging Sciences Law and Ethics, Stem Cell Law and Policy
Dr. Muhammad Hameedullah Md Asri
+603 7967 6523
Expertise: Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, Islamic Criminal Law, International Law and Legal System
Dr. Najwa Rosli
+603 7967 6528
Expertise: Town & Country Planning Enforcement, Equity and Trust, Legal Method, Child Law, Land Law, and Tort
Nurhalida Mohamed Khalil
+603 7967 6525
Expertise: International Human Rights Law, International Humanitarian Law, Public International Law, and Constitutional Law
Dr. Nurhidayah Abdullah
+603 7967 3715
Expertise: Contract Law, Legal History, Commercial Law and economics related aspects
Dr. Ong Tze Chin
+603 7967 6553
Expertise: Consumer Protection Law, ASEAN Comparatives Law, Commercial Law, E-commerce Law
Dr. Petrina Tan Tjin Yi
+603 7967 6552
Expertise: Capital Markets Law, Corporate Law and Governance, Financial Regulation, Investment Stewardship and Sustainability
Dr. Pg Ismail Pg Musa
+603 7967 6563
Expertise: Administration of Islamic law in Malaysia, Legal pluralism in Sabah, customary law and human rights issues from an Islamic perspective
Redza Zakaria
+603 7967 6532
Expertise: International Law (Law of the Sea and Marine Environmental Law), Commercial Law (Sales of Goods), Legal Practice and Ethics (Evidence and Criminal Procedure) and Taxation Law
Dr. Sheila Ramalingam
+603 7967 6550
Expertise: Malaysian Legal System, Constitutional Law, Tort, Environmental Law
Dr. Sherin Kunhibava
+603 7967 6567
Expertise: Commercial Law, Islamic Capital Markets, and Islamic Banking and Finance Law
Dr. Sik Cheng Peng
+603 7967 6541
Expertise: Copyright and Intellectual Property Law
Dr. Stewart Manley
+603 7967 6529
Expertise: Human Rights, Legal Practice & Ethics, Justice System, and Trust Law
Dr. Zalina Abdul Halim
+603 7967 6521
Expertise: Land Law, Media Law Legal Method, Law and Society, and Research Methodology
Dr. Zulazhar Tahir
+603 7967 6560
Expertise: Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, Child Law, Malaysian Legal System and Elderly Law
Aisya Abdul Rahman
+603 79676537
Expertise: International Humanitarian Law, International Human Rights Law, Public International Law
Noor Asyikeen Mohd Salleh
+603 7967 3938
Expertise: Intellectual Property Law, Conveyancing Practice, Land Law
Nur Husna Zakaria
+603 7967 6531
Expertise: Corporate Law (M&A), Competition Law, Capital Market Law (IPO and IEO), RegTech
Last Update: 10/02/2025