• Faculty of Law
  • law@um.edu.my
  • 03-7967-6503 / 6504


The Faculty of Law, Universiti Malaya is the first law Faculty in Malaysia. The Faculty is located in the capital city of Kuala Lumpur and has been engaged in legal education and research since 1972. Graduates of the Faculty of Law are primarily employed in the legal profession, judicial and legal services as well as in various professions from government administration to commerce, banking, finance, politics and non-governmental organisations.  For an introduction to the faculty, click here.

The Faculty offers the following programmes for Graduate and Postgraduate study:

  1. Bachelor of Laws (via UPU and UM Open Channel)
  2. Bachelor of Jurisprudence 
  3. Master of Laws (Coursework) 
  4. Master of Commercial Law (Coursework)
  5. Master of Criminal Justice (Coursework)
  6. Master of Legal Studies (Research)
  7. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) 
  8. Legal Education Extension Programme (LEEP)
  9. Clinical Legal Education

If you have enquiries:

email: law@um.edu.my

Call: +603-7967- 6503 / 6574 / 6501

Last Update: 29/05/2024