• Faculty of Law
  • law@um.edu.my
  • 03-7967-6503 / 6504

The Legal Education Extension Programme (LEEP) was initiated by the Faculty of Law in 1993 to provide a series of short courses on specific areas of law. The rationale for the initiation of the programme was based on the premise that the role of the Law Faculty should be extended to frontiers beyond merely serving the needs of matriculated students.

Our LEEP courses are thus designed to meet the needs of both legal professionals who wish to keep abreast of the recent developments, as well as other interested individuals and corporations. The course coordinators are sourced from a pool of academicians, legal practitioners, judiciary and other legal professional consultants.

LEEP courses are organised and managed by UMCORS. Click here to see current courses offered.

Last Update: 28/05/2024