We are all here to honour the memory of Raja Aziz Addruse who illuminated the Malaysian legal profession with a warm glow for many decades. His steadfast morality, reasoned voice, and courageous leadership steered the Bar through many turbulent times in the 70s and beyond.
His legacy lives on and is evidenced in the many principled positions that the Malaysian Bar continues to adopt on issues of rule of law, democracy and human rights. I wish to say this at the very outset that in the last nine years while institution after institution, including some elements in the judiciary, were successfully coopted by the political executive to do its bidding, the Malaysian Bar along with a few other NGOs, continued to provide dykes against the tide of authoritarianism. For that, Mr. President, the entire citizenry owes the Bar Councils of Malaya and of Sabah and Sarawak our deepest gratitude.
Full text: Judicial Independence and Impartiality